Town of Middlebourne


​​​Meetings: (Dates may change depending on observed holidays) 

Water and Sewer Board meeting is held the first Monday of every month at 1:00pm

Council Meeting is held the second Monday of every month at 6:00pm​

New Customers:

For customers signing up for new service, please come into our office with the following. 

      Photo ID 

      New Service Application (Available online under forms or in office) ​​

New Tap Fees:

Water Tap: Per Tarriff at least $265.00 or actual cost for parts and labor.

Sewer Tap: Per Tarriff at least $300.00 or actual cost for parts and labor.

Annual Business License: (Businesses​ within Town Limits) 

Application (Available online under forms or in office)

Fee: $15.00

Building Permit:

Application ​​(Available online under forms or in office)

Fee: $30.00